Join us in the WORD365 journey in 2019!

There are many different voices calling for our attention. Why not allow God’s voice to be the one we hear FIRST in the morning? Click on the “Hearing God’s Voice First” picture below to participate in this month’s reading plan.

January’s Bible Reading Plan

Hearing God’s Voice First (4 Days)

It shouldn’t be a surprise that among Christians, one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to read our Bibles more, read them all the way through, read them daily… It’s something we aren’t doing but we know we should be. It’s an issue we all have. Whose voice are we listening to? What’s the voice that speaks loudest in your life?

January’s Practical Application Challenge

Matt 6:33 says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Why not make 2019 the year of hearing God’s voice first? Make a commitment to pick an annual Bible reading plan and make time each day to hear God’s voice. You’ll be blessed and glad that you did so!