The ministry is scheduled to kick off on Wednesday, September 11th, at 6:45 pm.

We do have an evening service that begins at 6:45 pm. Please drop clubbers off around 6:30. That gives parents time to make sure their children get to where they need to go and still have time to get to service. A parent or guardian is expected to be on campus while AWANA is in session.

Make sure you like and follow our First Bible Awana Facebook Page for updates.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions or if you would like to volunteer.


Wednesday Evenings

Preschool through 6th Grade meet @ FBBC throughout the school year from 6:45-8:00.
T & T: 3rd – 6th grade
Sparks: K – 2nd grade
Cubbies: 3 & 4 (must be 3 by 9/1 and bathroom trained)


Connections/AWANA Pastor

Dillon Brisco

Contact Dillon Brisco