About our children


Welcome to Children’s Ministries at First Bible Baptist Church, where children experience an authentic worship service, hear sound biblical instruction, and make connections with other children and adult leaders!

Preschool 3yr-K

Our Pre-school ministry engages your child in music, motion, an interactive story, and creative activities. Highly dedicated and loving teachers connect with your child in smaller, age-specific groups to create a positive experience for learning about Jesus.

Grade School 1st-6th

The Garage is our grade school ministry and is an interactive time that combines small and large group experiences to engage your child in growing closer to Jesus. The large group is a high energy environment where children memorize scripture, worship together, and hear a Bible lesson on this month’s Life App. In small groups, leaders provide an interactive time, sharing how your child can apply biblical truth to their daily lives.


Sunday Mornings

8:30 & 10:30
