I think we can all relate to plans not working out the way we imagined. Maybe we experience an unexpected event like a car breakdown, an event being cancelled, or every event being canceled due to a pandemic. Maybe it is the death of a loved one, or the loss of a dream you’ve been working toward for years.
It’s safe to say that the children of Israel could relate as well. In Exodus we see the miraculous deliverance from slavery in Egypt. Then we see the Lord meet with Moses and pour out His Spirit on Mount Sinai. If I had been one of the Israelites, I would have been convinced that the deliverance in Egypt was just the beginning of the miracles! God then laid the groundwork of His will for Israel by giving them laws; boundaries they needed to live inside to flourish as human beings.
He gave Moses instructions for worship. God poured out His presence, and Moses had the rare privilege of experiencing the fullness of God before the Holy Spirit was given. But while Moses was inside the literal glory of God, Aaron and the Israelites were up to no good. They decided to worship their own way by creating a golden calf and offering sacrifices to it. 3,000 men paid the ultimate price for their misguided worship. This was not the plan I would have imagined after walking on dry land straight through the Red Sea! Death everywhere. The cries of the mourners must have been horrendous. The heartbreak was felt by all. Death never feels like a good plan, it never feels right.
But in Exodus 33-34 a new day dawned, and God promised His presence would go with them as they traveled to the Promised Land. God gave Moses a special revelation of Himself, and everyone knew it. His face shined! This encounter after their sinful actions was an outpouring different than the first one.
This resulted in the children of Israel being sold out in worship of the ONE TRUE God. So much so that when they were called upon to bring offerings for the construction of the tabernacle, they brought more than what was needed! (Ex 36:7) They would have agreed with Peter when he said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” (John 6:68) There was nowhere else to run but into the presence of God.
There was nowhere else to run but into the presence of God.
I am sure the path to the Promised Land ended up looking quite different than Israel imagined. We all wish certain things in our life played out differently. God’s presence and the ability to worship in the midst of struggle, redirection, rejection, loss, death, or even just a change of plans makes this life worth living! Where else can we go? Run to Jesus with your disappointment, sorrow, and change of plans. He promises His presence to His children.
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