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Fall Life Groups

Life groups are a great way to get connected with other believers here at FBBC, and get a weekly dose of encouragement. Life groups are for everyone!

Women’s Life Groups

Fall Women's Life Groups are starting up soon! Check out all the information here.

Hurricane Relief Donations

Check out the items we're collecting to help with hurricane relief!

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

FBBC 990 Manitou Rd, Hilton, NY

Join us October 12th for a great time of fellowship and prayer!

Vertical Marriage

Join us for Vertical Marriage, and learn how NOT to find your fulfillment in your spouse!


His Ministries: Christmas Pajama Bags

FBBC 990 Manitou Rd, Hilton, NY

Stop by the tables at the North and South entrances to grab a tag and fill a bag for foster families in Monroe County!

Spiritual Gifting Class

FBBC 990 Manitou Rd, Hilton, NY

We'd love for you to come and learn what your gifting is and how God wants to use it for His glory!